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painted lady observation's

Observations of larva: In direct light the larva seemed to be more active and grow more. As they grew they started to move toward the top of the cup. When older they seemed to move less and less. When they would grow they would shed pieces of their skin. There was a lot of webbing in the cup which was to help them climb to the top.


Observation of pupa: after a week of having the larva the first one created their chrysalis. Two days later we moved them into their flying habitat when we were moving them. The oldest butterfly started shaking in its chrysalis and I later found out they do that when they sense a predator.


Observation of butterflies: It took the butterflies hours for their  wings to finish inflation. The butterflies I observed for their first flight climbed to the top of the enclosure and let go. Once they were close to the ground they would start to flap their wings. I have noticed that they have been more active when I am not present. The female found the male before laying an egg. I believe that when their wings are spread out that means that they are relaxed.

HABITAT: the plants will consist of purple flowers, weeds, and daisies

The temperature will be kept at 65-78 at all times

I will put oranges in their habitat

There will be stones so they can land  

Larvae: The possible reasons for the larvae death are that there were pesticides on the plants we used, there was  a virus, there might have been bugs, the plant might not have been exactly what they ate.



What now:

The pictures of plants are plants we are growing with no pesticides. Later once it gets warmer we will start a butterfly garden.

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